Sunday, September 7, 2008

Goal – To learn as much as we teach…

It’s Sunday morning, the sun is breaking through after Hana moved through last night and the students are just starting to arrive. There is no stepping back at this point! (Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum!)

Last week was another busy week with the highlight being the whole faculty spending three days working together to improve our skills while having some fun. There were lots of
workshops and teachers collaborating as we pushed our own learning to be the best that we can in our classrooms and all the other aspects of our work with kids. We talked about big-picture teaching philosophy and also dove into the intricacies of building lesson plans and syllabi. We worked on making sure that classroom practices are consistent where they need to be. These are all elements of the ‘Winchendon Way’, our proven approach that supports our students in achieving academic success.

Along the way we had lots of fun and quite a few laughs as well. Words can’t express the general excitement and buzz about our team. I am fortunate to be a member of this hard working and fun team.

I opened and closed the meetings with three simple expectations of our faculty for the coming year:

1. That respect always be central to the way that we all work together,
2. That we constantly look for opportunities to collaborate as a faculty to improve our methods and systems,
3. …and that we each be committed to learn as much as we teach.

Based on what I have seen over the last three weeks, we are off to a terrific start.

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